eztest Test puritate Heroina - EzTest - zenstar - 34,99 RON

eztest Test puritate Heroina - EzTest - zenstar - 34,99 RON

34,99 RON

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eztest Test puritate Heroina - EzTest - zenstar - 34,99 RON

34,99 RON
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Descrierea produsului
There are 4 quick and easy steps to follow: Step 1: First, fill the red field on the instruction leaflet with some finely ground sample (this is approx. 10 milligrams). Step 2: Add the contents of both tubes to the bottle of liquid which will result in a greenish upper layer forming. Step 3: Next add the sample to the bottle, close the lid and shake for 2 seconds. Step 4: A colour change in the lower layer might take place if there is a positive reaction to the sample. Compare this to the colour chart on the leaflet included in the test. The darker it becomes, the more cocaine is present. If the colour change is still transparent and shows a light to medium brown colour, the sample has a high quantity of adulterants. Now you can see the result!



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